Project 3 Project 3 - Week 7

Project 3: Week 7

Finished Animation: Product and Review

Linked above is my final piece for this project. Here, we see the animation I have planned and created this project.

I had planned for it to be a rough sketch animation (as I lack the capacity and time to create a full-fledged neat animation), and for what its worth, it is definitely an animation!

Unfortunately, due to time circumstances, I was only able to comprehend creating a 4 FPS animation, lasting 14 seconds. The animation is far more choppy than I wanted, but as a single person working on this with a 2 week deadline and limited long-term animating skills, there is still motion and each frame was hand-edited by me.

The storyline follows my written plan, and conveys what I wished for it to.

I was not able to add in a white fill-in for my character (to stand out from the background) which ultimately gave it the feeling on pencil sketches on a piece of already coloured paper. My reasoning behind not doing it was due to the limited animation features in Procreate, where one layer is equal to one frame. Therefore, I could not add a variety of backgrounds or colours without them showing up seperately.

Although poorly done, I animated his hair to move and used frame delay to give it the effect of swaying back and forth in the wind. I had previously watched a YouTube video on hair physics in animation, learning the infinity/8 cycle seaweed exercise of hair movement, but once again, due to limitations and my way-out-of-my-proportion expectations for my own work this project, I was not able to follow the video as I did not have the time to overly animate one singular aspect of my character.

YouTube Video:

I tried my best to match my designs for my characters, with exception to complicated areas of design on my timeskip design (the flowing feather in his hair and earring). Asides from that, I think I was consistent with my designs.

In conclusion, there are many MANY parts I can improve on for this animation, but I believe I have done my job to my current best of abilities. Instead of aiming for a massive project like this, next time I will focus on smaller work with more detail, which will open up opportunity for me to figure out more about Procreate’s animation tool.