Project 3 Project 3 - Week 6

Project 3: Week 6


I feel as though I have been very productive this week, producing main/key frames to animate around. All I have to do now to complete the animation will be to create any sort of fluidity between frames in order to pass off my work as an actual ’animation’. Along with adding in the backdrop, I will need to figure out a frame hold cycle for the hair flow I would like to portray in my work.

Next week, I will finish off my animation and write up my evaluation for what I have produced.

Project 3 Project 3 - Week 6

Project 3: Week 6

Practical Work

This week, I have been working on frames for my animation. I have assorted a selected few frames to show in this post.

Pre-timeskip main character holding a strelitzia

The flower wilting in his hands
Timeskip main character

Although the framework is very simple, this has allowed me to draw several frames without burnout. I have set the background as green to substitute for the background based on the Zhengjiajie mountains, which I will add at a later date.

Project 3 Project 3 - Week 6

Project 3: Week 6

Planning and Production

My final task for this project is to start on the actual animation. For this, I will need to crack on and create an animation of over 50 hand-drawn frames and compile them into a fluid flip-show.

For my animation, I will be using my pre-made assets, such as backgrounds, my story line (verbal storyboard) and my character designs to bring everything I have done so far to life.