Project 2 Project 2 - Week 2

Project 2: Task 4

Investigate and list progression routes open to you to be able to achieve your long-term goal. What have you found out and how would you apply?

  • University courses dedicated to Games Design

In order to move forward in the games industry and to secure a position in a job related, I will need some form of education to let my employers know that I am up to the task and educated in the many areas of design. By taking a video game art course, I will be able to get a qualification which will allow me to open myself up to opportunities to work on art for games for companies that are in need of assistance in the concept area.

Some university courses I have looked into are:

  • University of Brighton (B72) Games Art & Design (W281)
  • University for the Creative Arts (C93) Games Design (I62D)
  • University of East London (E28) Games Design (with Foundation Year) (G481)

Each of these courses would give me the necessary qualifications to start my journey in the games industry.

  • Freelancing

As a freelancer, I would be able to get my artwork out there and create an audience of potential customers on the internet, which could allow for me to be scouted by a company and commissioned to create designs and concepts for money.

To become a freelancer, I would have to upload my work on an online portfolio through social media and personal webpages. The most popular social medias to advertise my work include Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.

Project 2 Project 2 - Week 2

Project 2: Task 3

SWOT Analysis

Illustration Industry


  • I am able to come up with inspired designs for my concepts.
  • I can use Procreate on my iPad, which offers me an affordable program to create my designs on.
  • Others see my knowledge on anatomy and unique colouring styles as my strengths.


  • I could improve on line work for my art, as I usually rely on refining my sketch work in order to define my line art.
  • I have fewer resources than others in terms of computer-material. Whereas most people will have drawing tablets designed to link to a computer to use, my equipment of choice lacks in lots of aspect, such as storage space and high quality rendering tools.
  • Others are likely to see the lack of research in my concept work as a weakness.


  • In terms of opportunities given to me, I can take advantage of internships for concept artists and freelance work
  • I would be able to take advantage of social media and current trends that circulate on the internet in order to widen my horizons and broaden my audience.
  • I would be able to turn my strengths into opportunities by promoting my art via. portfolios, which will showcase my best and most eye-catching work in order to gain an audience and open up opportunities.


  • Not having the correct job qualifications in the future could harm my chances of obtaining the job of my choice.
  • Threats that could harm my chance of securing a job in the concept field include peers who specialise in the same areas as I do. If they are going for the same job as I am, my chances of securing the position I am aiming for are lower.
  • My weaknesses expose me to certain threats, such as the general idea of having my work being sub par in comparison to many others.

What skills do you need to gain or improve?

I will need to improve on the quality of my work in order to excel in my desired field. In order to fulfil this, I will work on making my line work finer and more delicate, whilst making it fluid and detailed.

What are your long term goals to achieve your ambition?

My long term goals are focusing on improving the quality of my work overall. As I already have experience in working in a company, I have the transferable skills necessary to thrive in a working environment, so all I need now is to brush up on my creative work.