Project 1 - Week 5 - Practical Skills

Week 5: Practical Skills

This week, I managed to get my towers ready to be implemented into the game. Following the guides I had prepared and on-screen references to my concepts, I designed three separate tower designs for the Fantasy level.

This is the first tower I created. I decided to go for this one first due to the simplicity of shapes. As someone who had never touched Blender before with the intent of using anything I created, I couldn’t properly follow the concept, due to the different shapes and additional effects I had envisioned, but I made it as similar as I could to the concept.

Concept for comparison

For the second tower, I made a last minute choice to make it smaller and less tall than the others. The decision was based off the idea that once I had created it, I had come to terms with it slightly resembling a gnome. This worked out well for me, as one of my group members who worked on Fantasy with me had created a gnome enemy prior. In order to match that theme, I left it small. I changed the base shape from cylindrical to a cuboid due to the complexity, along with the roof and sides of the tower, which I changed into a cone .

Concept for comparison

My final tower was the hardest to complete. With a tree-based design, I had a very hard time with modelling it to look decent. I used a separate guide that I found (linked in research) to help me create the low poly tree to put on top of the tower.

However, when it came to importing the final tower, it appeared to have lost colouring.

Concept for reference

In conclusion, I believe the towers came out incredibly well for what little experience I had with the modelling program. Although not in any way a piece of art, they ended up looking similar enough to link to the concepts, which was the idea.