Project 1 - Week 4 - Practical Skills

Week 4: Practical Skills

This week, I finished my Fantasy level design concept.

Using Procreate, I went with clear colours and a colour key in order to make the significance of each object clear to whoever was modelling the design. I chose a range of straight lines (ease of modelling), bridges (for the option to destroy), and water (option to push enemies into) to create a good atmosphere and decently enjoyable level to clear.

Although not obviously linking to the fantasy theme, I made the end of the enemy path swirl, relating to magic, and once the enemies are to pass through the assigned teleport area, they vanish. I thought that although simple, this was a good way to communicate my theme. However, due to the simplicity of the concept, I had opened a window of opportunity to the modeller to modify and adjust anything that they didn’t like.