Project 1 - Week 3 - Research

Week 3: Research

For this week, I am continuing with my third and final concept design for my tower. My research is based around a game that I was interested in researching due to the idea of using its colour palette for my own tower.

Katamari Damacy Reroll

Katamari Damacy Reroll, translating to ‘Clump Spirit (Reroll)’, is a ‘goofy one-of-a-kind’ remake of the original game, Katamari Damacy, which first came out on the PS2 in 2004, published by Bandai Namco and developed by Namco. It is an ‘absurd, stylized version of reality’ which follows the concept of picking up items in a big ball (the Katamari) that are smaller than your character in order to grown bigger in size and be able to pick up bigger items. You are given a time limit by the king to pick up a certain mass of objects and you fail if you are unable to reach the requirements.

I have chosen this game to base one of my tower’s palettes off due to the concept. It is unrealistic and animated in the way the style of the game appears- defying gravity completely, which is very similar to the original style of my third tower. Not only that, but the model styles for the assets are similar to the voxel style we are going for in our project, which is enough to link the concept I created to the game. Therefore, I will create a series of colour palettes based on images of Katamari Damacy in order to create the right colour aesthetic for my gravity-defying fantasy tower.

After doing this research, I pulled up some images I found on the information pages I previously referenced (Harvard refs below) and compiled them into a compressed screenshot, where I created several randomly generated colour palettes.

Images and Information mentioned from the same websites)

PlayStation Universe. (n.d.). Katamari Damacy Reroll Review (PS4) – The Magic Of This Classic Is Still Here On PS4. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2021].

Walker, J. (2018). Wot I Think: Katamari Damacy Reroll. [online] Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2021].

Mr.X (2018). Katamari Damacy Reroll Registered by Bandai Namco. [online] VGLeaks 2.0. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2021].

I have decided to use the final colour palette for my tower because I really like the diversity in each shade and I feel as though the five selected colours really represent the distinctive tone of Katamari Damacy more than the other palettes.