Project 1 - Week 2 - Evaluation

Week 2: Evaluation

When it comes to evaluation of my FMP last year, I can honestly and brutally confirm that it was blatantly lacking in several categories.

For contextual research, I provided the bare minimum in order to squeeze a pass. Although I had provided enough research to link to my project, it was severely underwhelming and stated the obvious and nothing more.

In order for me to boost up my grade from last year, I have already decided that I will provide context for as many of my ideas as I can. I will do plenty of research and Harvard reference everything I come across that links to my work.

For planning, I did not have a schedule. I did work when I felt like it, which, for the most part, made my project very crammed. Although I managed to get the work done, I was not able to add extras due to forgetting where I got up to for the most part.

Since time management is vital for projects, in order to boost up my grade from last year, I will follow a weekly planning schedule. With an updated weekly plan, I cannot stray from my main focuses or forget where I come up to, making it a fool-proof plan to stay on top of my work.