Project 1 - Week 1 - Context

Week 1: Starting a New Year

After coming back from summer break, we started to work on our first project- ‘Fairytales’, of the year. I have developed ideas surrounding our topic of ‘The Pagemaster’, to create a bigger picture of what we want to achieve over the course of the project. The ideas I have considered consist of:

  • A mythology style book created around the general aesthetic of a popular mythological tale (Such as Pandora’s Box or Zeus), or alternatively a design and (book) character based around several different mythological stories.
  • A western themed book with models and scenery that is accurate to older western history.
  • A tower defense styled game, potentially tailored to the mythology book.
  • A temple run styled game, potentially tailored to the western book.

To start off the project, we created several different mindmaps and moodboards relating to the film ‘The Pagemaster’ in order to gather inspiration straight from the source.