Project 2 Project 2 - Week 1

Project 2: Task 1

Research into Universities, Apprenticeships and Jobs you are interested in for when you completed this course.

1.    What are your ambitions within the Games Industry?

My ambitions are to work in a comfortable environment, where I am able to perform freely and enjoy getting up in the morning. I would also want a job where I have an adequate paycheck, which would allow me to live outside of my job with a plentiful amount of money. I want to work independently and at my own pace to create media that can help me pay my bills.

2. What would you like to do? What would you like to do when you complete this course?

In the future, I would like to create a range of content that can be purchased for entertainment purposes through game creation. I would like to broaden my horizons and work hard to improve on the elements in the industry that I struggle with, in order to level my playing field and become a jack-of-all-trades. Meanwhile, once I finish the course, I would like to take a year off in order to establish a sum of money to help pay for my University course, where I wish to take Games Design.

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