Project 1 - Week 4 - Problem Solving

Week 4: Problem Solving


  • As previously, when doing my research I was not able to find enough information about the creators of the topic I was Harvard Referencing (windflowers and their meanings). I attempted to look for further information from sources that had credibility through author names or dates published, but to no avail. In order to have enough information to talk about it with reference, I chose a flower-dedicated page to harvest my information from, which increases credibility due to the overall nature of the site.


  • For practical problems, creating a concept of my fantasy level was hard with several straight lines and no actual tool to draw them. To solve the issue, I took a mental note of how I had fixed the problem before and duplicated my straight line several times until I had a full layout. I then erased any overlapping lines to create a singular shape (being the enemy path), which made colouring and designing the rest of the level a breeze.

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